"Today, bring whoever you encounter a gift: a compliment or flower. Gratefully receive gifts. Keep wealth circulating by giving and receiving care, affection, appreciation and love."-Deepak Chopra

Lately my favorite yoga pose has been threading the needle from anahatasana. Anahatasana is basically child's pose (press your hips back over your heels and reach your arms in front of you letting your chest melt into the earth...a very rooted posture)with a bit more kick. In anahatasana you actually lift your hips up away from your heels and press your sitz bones back towards the ceiling behind you. you then reaaaach your arms in front of you. The more open yogi will have their chin (rather than their forehead) on the mat and may even work towards their chest fully making contact with the earth. Why is this pose SO key for me? It is a MEGA shoulder opener. It is typically done to prepare for handstands to really "turn on" the shoulders, triceps, etc....but what I find is that after a long day at my corporate job what I need is a MASSAGE. This pose really gives a juicy stretch to the traps and rhomboids-the muscles that retract your shoulders (can we say TIGHT!?) And because I always am seeking a little more oomf! in my life...whether on or off the mat...I love to thread the needle in this pose (see picture for complete posture). Ohhh the sweet release! I tend to duck out of a couple of down dog interludes during a vinyasa class to take a few of these puppies.
That's really all I've been up to since my last update in August...threading the needle :).
Check back in tomorrow. I'm going to be posting daily. I need a little more inspiration and positivity in my world. How bout you?
Oh MAN did I thread the needle last night. Felt oh so good.