"FLOWER POWER MEDITATION: Every time you have a negative thought about yourself, especially the ones that recur, I want you to sit down or close your eyes wherever you are. Imagine your thought as a black flower, with a stem and root going down into the earth. With your mind’s eye, follow that stem and root way down, to see what’s nourishing it.
Can you picture an event, a person or an interaction that was the seed of that thought growing in you? With practice, and stillness, and of course, not judging the process but simply observing it, I bet you can.
Once you realize what’s at the root of your negative belief, picture digging it all up with your magic shovel, and tossing it on the compost heap. Re-plant a new flower and sprinkle a new intention into the healthy earth as you do. See the flower grow and blossom into a beautiful, colorful multi-petaled wonder.
This meditation helps inherently shift brain patterning, and the more you can revisit that flower, water it with your continued attention to shifting the belief through thinking, speaking and acting differently toward yourself, the sooner you’ll be the proud owner of a fierce flower patch"-Sadie Nardini
What if when you felt your blood pressure elevating you got on your yoga mat...did a few sun As and sun Bs and made your way into some luscious reclining twists on your back?
What if you gave yourself more credit...let go of fear and shame in the name of self-love and inner peace...viewed yourself as the healer you are...ate more green veggies and halved your alcohol and coffee intake...started your day with a gratitude list...made a box filled with affirmations (in the present tense...short and sweet...visions of the life you don't even dare to dream of) and reviewed it often...were nicer to yourself and to others....let the past feel farther and farther away as you embraced the present with new found freedom?
What if you believed in yourself and knew you were worthy. You were enough. You were fearless and ambitious and righteous and fierce. You were taking steps to heal....because our bodies are meant to heal... knew your body was strong and, when fed healing foods and bathed in healing thoughts, is capable of miracles? What if you knew that you can take the power back. You can live the life you dream of living...That if you can dream it you can attain it?
Love to you all.